East Anglia Animal Advocates
EAAA is a grassroots animal rights activism group based in East Anglia.
We advocate unapologetically for total animal liberation through protests, demonstrations, campaigns, street outreach and NVDA (non-violent direct action).
This is a democratic, inclusive group with no leadership, and every abolitionist vegan is welcome and encouraged to join. East Anglia has a large vegan population, but comparatively few activists. We want to help vegans get active, and believe there is a style of activism that suits everyone.
Together we can achieve long-overdue justice for non-human animals.
Until every cage is empty Until all animals are free.
- This is vital information for all those attending our events. The upcoming code of conduct needs to be read, understood and adhered to by all individuals who plan on joining us . This code of conduct only exists to ensure that events are carried out both safely and respectfully. - • Treat members of the public, police, security, staff and fellow activists with courtesy and respect. • Do not respond to negativity in a negative manner, stay peaceful • Please do not arrive to events intoxicated or under the influence of recreational narcotics • Please do not consume alcohol or smoke/vape in close proximity to the event
- If you cannot adhere to these guidelines you will be asked to leave the event and groups until rectification occurs - EAAA
This group is private. Become a member so you can see posts and join the community!
Norwich, England