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Torino, Italy

7 members

Benvenuti nel nostro gruppo di volontari di Torino.

Anonymous for the Voiceless (AV) è un'organizzazione per i diritti degli animali specializzata nell'educazione del pubblico circa lo sfruttamento degli animali, e nella promozione di un gruppo di attivismo altamente efficace in tutto il mondo. Siamo una comunità globale di persone affini che usa la propria voce per ottenere giustizia per gli animali.

Non promuoviamo nulla di meno del veganismo. Manteniamo una posizione abolizionista nei confronti di tutte le forme di sfruttamento animale.

Attraverso l'uso di filmati di pratiche standard, mettiamo il pubblico di fronte alla VERITÀ che è dietro le industrie dello sfruttamento degli animali. Combinando questo con la sensibilizzazione attraverso la conversazione, miriamo ad educare il pubblico ed a ritenerlo responsabile della sua partecipazione allo sfruttamento degli animali non umani.

Lo scopo di questo gruppo di volontari è organizzare, condividere eventi del Cubo della Verità e altri contenuti relativi ad AV, costruendo una solida base di attivisti per le dimostrazioni del Cubo di verità. Non pubblicheremo su questo gruppo post non inerenti ad AV. Tutti i post non attinenti alle attività di AV verranno esaminati e, se approvati, verranno comunque pubblicati con estrema parsimonia. Facciamo questo per garantire che i post importanti e pertinenti possano essere visibili alla nostra rete di volontari.


Please read this post in full before attending your first Cube of Truth.

AV Volunteer Expectations

Respect AV organisers and other volunteers at all times and respect and uphold AV’s values and ethos, and represent AV appropriately while volunteering with us.

Being a Member of Our Volunteer Groups

The purpose of this volunteer group is to organise, share Cube of Truth events and other AV-related content, and to build a solid volunteer foundation for the chapter. Non-AV related posts will not be published in this group. This is to ensure that important and relevant posts are seen by our network of volunteers.

Before Attending a Cube of Truth

Please respect that organisers are taking on a substantial responsibility that involves following a specific structure that has been carefully formulated. The seriousness and professionalism of our actions are directly proportional to how the public perceives us. Perhaps you are welcome to do whatever you please at other events, but we ask that you adhere to our structure and represent our core values while attending our Cubes of Truth. If this basic level of respect cannot be given to the organisers or the orchestration of the event, you are not welcome to attend, as it will impede upon the Cube of Truth’s effectiveness.

A Cube of Truth is NOT a social event and should not be treated as such. There are often post demo-socials planned for after the Cube, so during the Cube, we focus on the animals.

When preparing to attend a Cube of Truth, please pack lightly. Any items brought to the Cube are your responsibility. This means you will be wearing your bag for the duration of the event. We aim to keep bags and other personal belongings away from the demo area to not interfere with the demonstration aesthetic. Masks, signs, and AV closing cards will be provided by the organisers. Please wear plain black or AV branded clothing without any graphics, including logos of other organisations and/or vegan messages. This is essential to our preferred campaign aesthetic. You can purchase official AV clothing on our website: Absolutely no animal derived clothing is to be worn at a Cube of Truth.

If you are able to, please bring a fully charged device with both the recommended footage and a media player downloaded. Prepare your device ahead of time so that valuable time isn’t lost. Have the footage ready to play on loop via the media player, and make sure your device is muted, has Wi-Fi disabled (to preserve battery life), and has brightness maximized. (Devices may not be necessary for you to bring if TV screens are being used. Please check with a chapter organiser.)

Attending a Cube of Truth

Please arrive on time to avoid disrupting the briefing. If you arrive after the Cube has started, please check in with the organiser(s). Respect the time and contributions of everyone in attendance.

There are two parts to the Cube of Truth: the Cube and outreach. Both of these are equally important—we are a team. We expect everyone to be willing to go in the Cube at some point (unless a medical condition or otherwise prevents you from doing so, in which case you can let the organiser(s) know privately after the briefing). This is essential for our demos to run smoothly.

The Cube

Volunteers standing in the Cube will be masked and must stand up straight and be as still as possible, facing forward at all times and remaining silent. Occasionally, an organiser or outreacher may approach you to straighten your sign or screen or ask you to take a step in a certain direction to maintain the aesthetic of the Cube. While in the Cube, do not engage with the public, even if someone approaches you or tries to talk to you. Organisers and outreachers will constantly watch the Cube and will intervene when necessary.

While in the Cube, if you need to communicate with an organiser or outreacher, please raise your hand and someone will come check on you.

If you are taking a break from the Cube, you can simply rest off to the side. Or if you are new or still looking to learn, you can shadow an experienced outreacher as well. When shadowing, please make sure you do not distract from the interaction. Please move away from the demonstration area if you are breaking to eat, smoke, etc, as it is not professional to do so in the Cube area and it can also distract other volunteers.


Anonymous for the Voiceless holds an ABOLITIONIST stance against animal exploitation. We believe that anything less is welfarist and ineffective. This means that we do not promote better treatment, bigger cages, vegetarianism, reducetarianism, baby steps, or journeys. We want to end animal exploitation completely, throughout all industries and as soon as possible. Non-abolitionist approaches may be welcome at other events, but while you are volunteering with AV, we ask that you respect our approach and promote a CLEAR VEGAN / CLEAR ANIMAL RIGHTS message only.

We do not solicit or leaflet at Cubes of Truth. Do not stop bystanders to encourage them to come and watch the footage. We allow bystanders to stop out of their own curiosity. Only engage in conversation with those who have stopped to watch for a reasonable amount of time. Then approach them and start a conversation.

Keep conversations to one-on-one or one outreacher to a group of bystanders, and do not interrupt another outreacher’s conversation. At the end of an impactful conversation, we offer the bystander an AV closing card. We hand out these cards sparingly. They are a recurring expense for chapters, so please return any unused cards at the end of a demo.

Remain respectful and professional during conversations with bystanders. Remain firm in your stance and hold every bystander accountable- unapologetic but approachable. Do not waste time on ignorant or unreachable bystanders.

Before attending a Cube of Truth please watch the full “Holding Non-Vegans Accountable” outreach workshop below. It is also available on YouTube:

Holding Non-Vegans Accountable 2.0 | Live Workshop + Q&A

Ensure that you fully understand the AV Outreach Protocol- Holding Non-Vegans Accountable, by reading our AV Outreach Protocol here:

AV Outreach Protocol PDFs - Google Drive

Thank You for Standing With Us.

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Group organizers 4 organizers

Group members 7 members